While this portrayal may have some truth to it, is it an indication of an inclination towards pragmatism at the expense of theoretical curiosity? There are certainly HFTE practitioners with strong interests in theoretical issues and who appreciate a philosophical conundrum as much as an academic. HFTE practitioners are sometimes characterized as preferring the methods sections of journal articles, looking for measures that might be appropriate for some future test, blithely skipping the literature review and discussion sections. Is HFTE an entity distinct from human factors and ergonomics generally? Our answer is still yes, but perhaps the distinction is not as great as it once was (or as once was believed). Have we changed our view in these past 5 years? Maybe. An oft-repeated refrain of HFTE professionals is that HFTE is an art no standard formula for conducting HFTE exists any more than a standard system exists. Faced with the need to “make it work” in the field environment, one could not afford the luxury of laboratory methods and true experimental designs, nor could one typically reason from general theoretical principles to the specific cases at hand. Implicit in that statement was the presupposition that HFTE was somehow more pragmatic, less theoretical, and less appreciated than the brand of human factors and ergonomics practiced by researchers in academic institutions. HFTE is the principal means of ensuring that systems and products will be effective and usable before they are placed in the hands of the public, and yet, it remains more or less invisible to those outside the profession. In the first edition of this handbook we posed the question “Why a book on human factors test and evaluation?” Our answer was that we felt that human factors test and evaluation (HFTE) is one of the most important applications of an avowedly applied discipline. CanhamĢ0 Ergonomics, Anthropometry, and Human EngineeringĪernout Oudenhuijzen, Peter Essens, and Thomas B. Steinbergġ9 Operability Testing of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) Systems Lyn S. Higginsġ7 Generative Search in the Product Development Process

Newmanġ6 Human Factors Evaluation of Hybrid Human-System Interfaces in Nuclear Power Plants John M. Ashbyġ5 Human Factors Testing Issues in Road Safety Samuel G. Carvalhaisġ4 Human Factors Testing in the Forest Industry Mumawġ3 Maritime Applications of Human Factors Test and Evaluation Anita M. Bifernoġ0 Questionnaire Techniques for Test and Evaluationġ2 Human Factors Testing and Evaluation in Commercial Airplane Flight Deck Development Alan R. Malone viiĦ Measurement of Cognitive States in Test and Evaluationħ Psychophysiological Test Methods and ProceduresĨ Measurement in Manufacturing Ergonomicsĩ Mock-Ups, Models, Simulations, and Embedded Testing Valerie J. O’Brienģ Selecting Measures for Human Factors TestsĤ Test Documentation: Standards, Plans, and Reports O’Brien and David MeisterĢ The Role of Human Factors Testing and Evaluation in Systems Development Samuel G. SGC To my beautiful and understanding wife, Patty, and to my wonderful children, TJ and Karen, who still ask, “What is it you do?” -TGOġ Human Factors Testing and Evaluation: An Historical Perspective Thomas G. To my love Jean, who has stuck with me through two hemispheres, and to Colin, Nina, and Julie for letting me tie up the computer. Human engineering–Handbooks, manuals, etc. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Handbook of human factors testing & evaluation / editors: Samuel G. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 10 Industrial Avenue Mahwah, New Jersey 07430Ĭover design by Kathryn Houghtaling Lacey No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microform, retrieval system, or any other means, without the prior written permission of the publisher. “To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to Copyright Ó 2002 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2008. LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUBLISHERS Mahwah, New Jersey London HANDBOOK OF HUMAN FACTORS TESTING AND EVALUATION Second Edition